Blogging, experience, Lifestyle, Random Thoughts

Blogging, How I’ve Missed Thee

Have you ever been so interested in something, started to do that something, and got distracted and moved on to something else? That’s exactly what happened to me and blogging.

Writing is and has always been one of my absolute favorite things to do. As a child, I was a huge fan of reading. I can remember the feeling I’d get when I found out we were going to the library to pick out some new reads. It was an intense feeling that I’ve not experienced much as an adult. The rush of dopamine was unlike anything I’d ever felt before. In retrospect, I now know that this wonderful feeling that I was experiencing was passion.

My passion for reading helped to develop an even greater passion: my passion for writing. I used to write a lot. As a kid, I loved to write short stories. As I got older, I started to feel an intense need to write a book. But why? And about what? I still don’t know the answers to these questions. I’ve tried tons of times, but the perfectionist in me would always get stuck on that important first sentence, and without realizing I was abandoning my love, I’d soon find myself moving onto my next interest. Plus, my passion for writing kept taking me in new directions. The intense feeling to write a book that I’d once had eventually developed into an intense need to write articles. I suppose it makes sense, having once been obsessed with writing short stories. I wanted to express myself, but I wanted to get my point across in a more condensed fashion.

Not long ago, I have in to the whole blogging thing and created my own. I didn’t expect anyone to be interested enough to actually want to read what I’ve written. I still don’t. But that doesn’t matter much to me. There’s never been a love for attention to my work attached to my love for writing. I just want to do what I enjoy. If people find it interesting, then that’s just a pretty cool bonus.

After creating my blog, I planned on being consistent and writing at least a few blog posts per week. My plan was successful for about a week or two, but I soon found myself moving on to another activity yet again. It’s disappointing to think about, but if you love something enough, you always come back to it. My love for writing has only grown over time, and it’s brought me back to my blog.

I’ve got plans to continue writing for my blog and being consistent, but I’m doing everything I can to not move on to anything else and neglect my blog again. I’m researching ways to be consistent while still being able to incorporate other passions, likes, and work into my life. Plus, now that I’ve been a Beauty Influencer and Content Creator for a few years, contributing to my blog almost goes hand in hand with my work, which is a total blessing! I’ve got a lot to write about, which has always been a problem for me. I know, I know: that sounds like a great problem to have, right? It’s not. My OCD overloads my brain with so many ideas that it’s nearly impossible to pick only one.

In an attempt to help turn this overwhelming feeling into something that will help me, I’ve begun to find ways to narrow down my ideas. They may have been narrowed down, but there are still more ideas than I know what to do with. Having this many ideas is exactly what causes me (and others) to subconsciously become overwhelmed with the task at hand and subsequently move onto the next idea or task.

Here’s the plan: I’m not going to try to choose the best idea from my list of ideas: I’m going to close my eyes, point my finger, wave it around, and let it drop onto the list. That will be the blog post that I write that day. The only exception will be if there is something pressing that I feel the strong need to write about. Now, this is just an experiment, so I’m not sure how well it will work, but I’m giving it a shot!

I’m excited to get back to blogging! I’ve got so much to write about, and I’d love to share with you my experiences being a Content Creator, because there are a lot of really interesting situations I’ve been in that would make for great reading. No more procrastinating. No more being overwhelmed with my excess of blog post ideas. I’m jumping back into the blog pool head first, and I’m going to make it to the other end without taking a rest on the edge.


Getting Ready to Post My First Videos to My YouTube Channel!

I’m a mix of nervous and excited right now, because I’m getting ready to record and upload my first unboxing videos to my YouTube Channel, “Unbox & Review with Kate.” The name is temporary. I hate it, but it fits. It’s just a little boring for my style. I’ll wait until the content kind of names the channel.

Happy 4th if July to my fellow Americans, by the way! I hope you’re all staying home!! No parties this year! Well, not for me. I’ll be EXTRA careful after today, the day that everyone stops their social distancing in exchange for grilled chicken and beer. But that’s another story for another day.

Alright, guys and gals! I’m going to get shooting soon! If you feel like watching some unboxing videos and product reviews, then feel free to tune in and check out the new videos! And please do subscribe if the mood strikes you. 😊❤ Unbox & Review with Kate – Come watch me unbox my June 2020 BoxyLuxe followed by a video of me unboxing an AWESOME skincare device from Genesis Allure!